In November 2019, Adaptation Scotland hosted a webinar for adaptation scientists, policy makers and practitioners, exploring the different forms of creative work which engage with issues of climate change and adaptation. Two of the featured presenters are partners within the Cultural Adaptations project.
The presentations in the webinar were as follows:
- Creative approaches to facilitating engagement from Sniffer’s Adaptation Scotland Programme Manager, Anna Beswick
- The whys and hows of engaging creative practitioners into climate change and adaptation work as well as examples of what can be the outcome of such collaborations from Creative Carbon Scotland’s Creative Producer Gemma Lawrence
- Visuals for creative climate change communication from Scriberia co-founder Chris Wilson and Adaptation Scotland Science and Skills Manager, Joseph Hagg
- Embedding arts & artists into responses to climate change and adaptation from a writer, theatre producer and embedded artist at Climate Ready Clyde, Lesley Anne Rose.
More ideas, resources and webinars on adaptation can found on the Adaptation Scotland website.