Cultural Adaptations is an action-research project seeking to find creative, innovative and place-based methods to adapt to climate change.

In four countries in northern Europe, cultural organisations are paired with climate change experts and city governments to explore how culture can adapt to the impacts of climate change, and how creative practices can influence and shape how cities across Europe approach transformative adaptation.


Equipping cultural organisations with the knowledge and skills they need to adapt to a changing world

Our culture – our theatres, galleries, music halls, festivals and arts organisations – will have to adapt to climate change, which will bring warmer, wetter and wilder weather. However, most current adaptation guidance is created at a regional or national scale, and many cultural organisations don’t know where to start.

Cultural Adaptations is working with cultural organisations and adaptation professionals in Scotland, Sweden, Ireland and Belgium to develop adaptation strategies for cultural organisations: making them more resilient and prepared for a climate changed-future.

Adapting our Culture

Using creativity to change how we adapt our cities to our changing climate

Our cities and regions are beginning to adapt to the challenges and opportunities which climate change will bring. However, it is a complex task, requiring new ways of thinking, new skills and new perspectives.

Cultural Adaptations is embedding artists within adaptation organisations and projects in Glasgow, Gothenburg, Dublin and Ghent, to develop a methodology for how creative practitioners can help adaptation professionals adapt our society.

Adaptation through culture

The Cultural Adaptations conference took place online over four afternoons, from Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 March 2021. The conference shares the results and tools of the Cultural Adaptations project, and explored wider knowledge and international experiences of how creativity can help us to adapt.

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