Second transnational meeting report
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The second in our series of transnational workshops, events and discussions took place in Gothenburg, Sweden from 11th-13th November 2019.

International project partners, local arts and cultural organisations, and those key to adaptation to climate change in the Gothenburg city region met to explore the region’s cultural and social future in a changing world.

Several events and activities were hosted by the Cultural Adaptations Swedish partners: TILLT with City of Gothenburg, Rain Gothenburg, and the Vastra Gotalandsregionnen including:

Summary and insights report

Combining notes and reflections from organisers and participants, we are pleased to share a full report of the event. The report provides an overview of the events that took place, a summary of existing approach taken to adaptation in Gothenburg, and details on what climate change is expected to mean for the region.

The report also explores the insights gained from the two workshops designed for local and international attendees, and how experiences in past embedded artist projects can shape the design of future creative interventions.

Our wider project explores two key themes:

  • How will climate change effect the work of cultural organisations? And what support and materials already exist to support them?
  • How can artistic practice contribute to how our wider society adapts to the impacts of climate change? How can artists, adaptations professionals and local governments work together to change our world?
Read the Cultural Adaptations Gothenburg Report

Get an insight into the transnational meeting

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